character, Identity, inspiration, lifestyle

Be a Man with Sauce (charisma)

I’ve been waiting a long time to write a post on this matter, “Sauce”. It is a modern slang term popular in African-American hip-Hop culture and has been used by famous artists such as Beyonce, in her Lemonade album, The song Formation features the lyrics; “I’ve got hot sauce in my bag, swag”.

The sauce, when translated into modern English, is Charisma. A person with charisma displays a compelling attractiveness, confidence or charm that can inspire devotion in others. When asked if it is hard to be fresh when you don’t have money, Gucci mane responded, “when I had no money, I still had Sauce…If you ain’t got no Sauce then you’re lost.”

In today’s age, young men who have grown up with their eyes fixed to the TV, watching Hollywood Blockbusters and the coolest Music videos, come out into the world with a desire to live a life in the spotlight. Having looked at half-naked beautiful women throughout their childhood, the latter years of adolescence and the early parts of young adulthood are quickly devoted to finally achieving the dreams of of being relevant in urban society, getting significant social media following and having as many beautiful women in their corner as possible.

However, upon walking out into the world, the young man quickly realises that he was not alone in this dream. There are many others just like him chasing the same goals. Some even seem to already have done something right because at every party, every weekend, they show up with a different group of girls – driving in fancy cars and somehow affording the most expensive alcohol that brings them even more attention and fame. Yes, some guys do enter this scene blessed with a little more money, a daddy-given car and clothing brands that make them look cool and it may help them to achieve these goals – but only if one knows how to use his privileged start-up package.

But when I was once talking through this matter with one of the guys at my university campus, I said to him; “remember that Money buys the Food…but Sauce makes it Taste good.” And it is true. I am quite embarrassed to reveal it here, but in my first year at university, I also went out there with the same hopes. I don’t want to get into the details right now, but I managed to rack up a good experience using nothing but my Sauce.

Mind over Matter

It’s all Mind over Matter. I totally believe that you are what you think you are. If you think you are a twelve year old in a thirty year old body, you will act like it and the outside world will see you that way and respond to you in that fashion. So too with charisma. You need to love yourself, you need to be your biggest fan, and you’d do every good to make sure to focus less on the negatives in your life, and more on the positives. And guess what, if you do not have any positives, you need to make them up and fake it, till you make it!

In May 1984, Donald Trump picked up his phone and turned himself into his alter-ego, John Barron. As John baron, Donald Trump called a journalist at Forbes named Jonathan Greenberg. John Barron was supposedly an official of the trump organisation and he told Mr Greenberg that most of the businesses and properties that Donald Trump had shared ownership with his father, Fred Trump, had now been consolidated to the possession of Mr Donald Trump. As a result of this, Donald Trump eventually made it on the Forbes list of the 400 most richest people in America. Consequently, as a feature on this Forbes list, investors, banks and creditors put more trust in Donald Trump and his riches and from there he was able to eventually accumulate his own wealth and look where he is today…

Now that’s Charisma! – Mind over Matter! – Sauce!

Don’t Get Lost in the Sauce

Now back to Gucci Mane. He went on to say, “If you ain’t got no Sauce then you’re lost…But you can also get lost in the Sauce!”

It’s true, If you don’t have money and you want money, you have to go and make the money and you must know how to make the money. The same goes for making friends and getting respected in your social life, in the workplace, and in your household. Without something as free as charisma, then you really cannot be helped. You will constantly feel inferior around people who grab the attention, you may even be reduced to that person whom the ladies feel pity for – and trust me you do not want that.

Body language, posture, tone and the aura that comes out of your presence are all important elements of the Sauce. the most charismatic people are said to be dripping of Sauce! These people, when they enter the room, their presence does the work for them. You feel like it is important for you to have a conversation with them. everything they say sounds right and fitting for whatever moment or situation they’re in.

A Charismatic person seems like they were born to lead. An army of Lions led by a sheep is inferior to an Army of sheep led by a Lion! …A charismatic person makes all his friends and people in his group feel and appear to also be confident and authoritative. That is why people are attracted to this person like nails to a Magnet!

However, it is possible to overdose on Sauce. Beware because you can get lost in the Sauce. You can get lost in the Sauce by becoming too arrogant and bossy. You may even fall victim to people that are known as “Meat”. The Meat are the people who give you a false confidence with the aim of hopefully getting you to get lost in the feeling of power, of being wanted, being loved – so much so that you may start to feel the need to keep up with the hype, you might overspend on any given occasion, or even pick a fight with someone or something (drugs) that you cannot handle.

But also beware of getting lost in the Sauce in the sense of you beginning to become complacent, thinking that you have done enough. When one goes on a journey to discover one’s self, getting to know and apply some Sauce, you may lose authenticity, becoming unnatural and fake – and trust me, people will be quick to spot this and getting caught in a lie about your identity is much worse than being lame and boring.

How does one Acquire the Sauce?

when asked whether one can be born with the Sauce, Gucci Mane replied “Nooo you can’t be born with Sauce…How are you gonna get born with Seasoning? I had to acquire the Sauce”

And that gives hope to each of us. We can acquire the Sauce. It is a Seasoning, that gets rubbed onto you by the things that you have seen, the obstacles that you have conquered and the times when you fell, or slipped and had to get up with dirt on your hands and on your reputation…that is the Sauce, that is what makes your life taste good! That is the stuff that I want to learn from you, these are the regrets that I choose to turn into a backrest…Pick myself up, and give life a little taste of the lemonade that I have made with the Lemons that she gave me.

  Author’s Note

Thank you for reading up till this far. I really love this topic because I get to show a little bit of how I see the world in our current age. Remember that the television and Internet are the new playgrounds for today’s youth – which is tomorrow’s Parents and leaders. I’d love this Blog to offer this element to anyone interested in an inside-scoop to the Millennial mindset, PLEASE share any views in the comment section.

Identity, inspiration, life, life choices, lifestyle, philosophy, reality, self acceptance

Live Your Life like a Movie!

Ah I’m back home and glad to be because I just couldn’t wait to get my hands on my pen – figuratively, because this is the new age and I pick my pen, in all shapes and sizes from this option on my computer screen. Look how much we have developed, from “times are hard” to doing hard time for choosing the wrong words on the wrong comment section during your pass times.

I just wanted to tell you about what we did with my home boys during the weekend. We shot the stars down and lit up the moon with the flames from exhaust fumes that cut through the ozone layer and produced a hole in the system for us to pounce through. Why? Well everyone else is doing it. America did and became the greatest nation of our time. And now is our time, yes our time and we spend it online. So blame it on me if suddenly all the kids are finding ways of keeping up with the demands of this life you gave us, breaking out of your system that keeps us locked up in four-corner walls. Well we have become so accustomed to being stuck in a box, but we prefer to stay in the walls of our homes and hopefully make some money off the internet. At least this way we remain in the comfort of our loved ones with less fake friends and more time to make mistakes and make amends.

I too was once critical. Stuck in an old fashioned mindset that I don’t even know from whence I got it. But now look at me, I’m awake and walk with my eyes open and see that this is exactly how you said it was going to be.  Oh, You didn’t say it? Well then the lady on the television and that one guy who once acted in a Bruce Lee movie said it. And I take it that when you left us at home alone with nothing but the TV for company, you elected all those adults as your representatives, the elected guardians and now I live my life like an action movie, Love like a Romantic Comedy and hope that after doing all the dumb things I’m about to do, I’ll still end up with a happy ending as always…

See, every movie has a Main Character, that Star Player like Messi in Barcelona, and for these guys there’s always a happy ending in waiting. This Main Character might go through some struggles just like the other characters, maybe just as a way of diverting our attention from the fact that He is different and destined for greatness, admiration and ultimately, Survival. Well, that’s who I’m going to be. I’m tired of spending my precious time watching useless YouTube videos, Indulging in insane Hollywood movies and Listening to perfectly pitched Music Videos, No, I’ve made my decision. You asked me what I wanted to be, well I hope you really meant, what “I” want to be…because now I’ve made my decision, I wanna be the star of my own Movie. That is, My Life.

And yes, for every Main Character there is a whole bunch of people that join him on the journey. Some stay for the long run, sometimes even getting lucky enough to share in the success story at the end. And sometimes, the supporting characters are just diversions as I already mentioned, some are just examples and they fail and die away without any sympathy from the viewers nor the producers and directors – clearly.

And well, if my destiny proves to not be attached to me on that victory lap at the end and I find myself being nothing more than a side-act in somebody else’s movie, then let me stop trying to fight for the unfightable, let me stop trying to be something I’m not and just accept my fate and do whatever reckless stunt is expected of me and die my death, in perfect timing, and allow the movie to go on as planned, with me forgotten, left on the floor rotten while Isaac Newton comes only a day later to see another apple fall off from the tree and come up with an epiphany and just as usual, my lack of timing leave my name lost in time as a fading memory…yeah, that’s it…let me pick my stick one more time, until the next time and let’s see what’s mine and what’s not.

life, lifestyle, Love

Times have Changed. Here’s an Update.

My child, I have traveled the ends the world many a times, seen the depths of a man’s heart deeper than even the greatest ocean would ever dare to surf. Love? I have known and lost. If you were to come in here tomorrow at dawn asking of hope, I can split your heart apart and put it together again by the end of moonlight and you would never care to partake in another of that meaningless chatter that you youths indulge yourselves in these days. You waste precious effort allowing contraction in your throat in the name of small talk. You have wronged, indeed by walking up to me with such a tame excuse of a presentation which I can assure any strange man on the street that you went through mars and all of the milky way in construction and deconstruction, addition and erasing, next time you would do best to think less and ask not, for I will not even bother to breathe a word of response with regard to your concerns.

But father, no, Dad…All my friends will be there and this event will be the decider of my reputation, not only for the rest of this year but also going into college next year. Even the lamest of the lames may create names for themselves this weekend. Spenser has just gone through a break up with that girl from next province and he has made it known that he will be on the lookout for a new love at this very event and I have a feeling he has got in his mouth a taste for a girl of my texture and type, you know, the kind that shies away from the hype, doesn’t get high and is bolted firmly into her roots.

You dare speak of bolts and roots and still bear the nerve to stand in your muddy boots and argue with me? If indeed this boy tingles for a mannered girl, you have proven in this very moment that you are not that. Let us then speed up the process, save ourselves senseless therapeutic sessions and pity stories when your disillusioned plans plummet into fumes and leave this entire household in the despair with the next excuse which you will mistakenly label as heartbreak. please and thank you…let us abandon this.

You know what you must do? call up a good friend and spend this time rather, in the comfort and safety of this lovely home your mother and I have worked tirelessly to build for your development and all else. Trust me, the time will come when you will know the true meaning of sacrifice and loss. Which reminds me, not that I could ever forget, of the brave young men who give up fear and aimless daydreams to stand firm in their numbers for the honor of defending their country and all its peoples, now those are the kind of men who can even dare to speak of preference. Especially when talking about women who are firmly tailored and mannered in their culture. Nothing in this world is just given, nothing that if truly of value is ever begged for, and lousy and shameless is a man who cries for respect when he fails even in the slightest of ways to inspect himself, his doings of past and his doings now, before he decides upon himself a position to make demands as if he has earned even the right to attain attention, not to mention, the affection of a woman with direction, devotion and well groomed dedication.

I am sorry to offer you a teaching as my elder and parent, for indeed you have earned in your time, the right and position to speak and be heard. But it is unfortunate and therefore, correct for me to give you an update. For the times have changed, this I may reveal unto you old wise man. Yes, times have gone and birth has been given to an era anew. Let today be the day that we wash the windows as I give you a new lens to apply onto your eyes. I am not of those brave young men who stand on the front line with our flag and frankly I am quite content if not ecstatic for that matter. I have grown with my eyes open, looking outward first before inward because out there there is the world. I am able to stand with my chest in bulk because I have learned the ways of the modern woman. In no way has she lost her value, however, it is her who has given up its application for the thrill of a wild ride out by the seashore where her hair can follow her as she throws her hands in the air screaming, ” I don’t care”. And you may look at this and nod not, but I put no blame on these modern ladies because I concur that it was your generation and the people of its time that put those unjustifiable constraints on the poor female. so what if honor be lost? at what cost? for it was freedom that was sacrificed and with freedom stolen, no being would be able to hold on to pain for so long…


