character, Identity, inspiration, lifestyle

Be a Man with Sauce (charisma)

I’ve been waiting a long time to write a post on this matter, “Sauce”. It is a modern slang term popular in African-American hip-Hop culture and has been used by famous artists such as Beyonce, in her Lemonade album, The song Formation features the lyrics; “I’ve got hot sauce in my bag, swag”.

The sauce, when translated into modern English, is Charisma. A person with charisma displays a compelling attractiveness, confidence or charm that can inspire devotion in others. When asked if it is hard to be fresh when you don’t have money, Gucci mane responded, “when I had no money, I still had Sauce…If you ain’t got no Sauce then you’re lost.”

In today’s age, young men who have grown up with their eyes fixed to the TV, watching Hollywood Blockbusters and the coolest Music videos, come out into the world with a desire to live a life in the spotlight. Having looked at half-naked beautiful women throughout their childhood, the latter years of adolescence and the early parts of young adulthood are quickly devoted to finally achieving the dreams of of being relevant in urban society, getting significant social media following and having as many beautiful women in their corner as possible.

However, upon walking out into the world, the young man quickly realises that he was not alone in this dream. There are many others just like him chasing the same goals. Some even seem to already have done something right because at every party, every weekend, they show up with a different group of girls – driving in fancy cars and somehow affording the most expensive alcohol that brings them even more attention and fame. Yes, some guys do enter this scene blessed with a little more money, a daddy-given car and clothing brands that make them look cool and it may help them to achieve these goals – but only if one knows how to use his privileged start-up package.

But when I was once talking through this matter with one of the guys at my university campus, I said to him; “remember that Money buys the Food…but Sauce makes it Taste good.” And it is true. I am quite embarrassed to reveal it here, but in my first year at university, I also went out there with the same hopes. I don’t want to get into the details right now, but I managed to rack up a good experience using nothing but my Sauce.

Mind over Matter

It’s all Mind over Matter. I totally believe that you are what you think you are. If you think you are a twelve year old in a thirty year old body, you will act like it and the outside world will see you that way and respond to you in that fashion. So too with charisma. You need to love yourself, you need to be your biggest fan, and you’d do every good to make sure to focus less on the negatives in your life, and more on the positives. And guess what, if you do not have any positives, you need to make them up and fake it, till you make it!

In May 1984, Donald Trump picked up his phone and turned himself into his alter-ego, John Barron. As John baron, Donald Trump called a journalist at Forbes named Jonathan Greenberg. John Barron was supposedly an official of the trump organisation and he told Mr Greenberg that most of the businesses and properties that Donald Trump had shared ownership with his father, Fred Trump, had now been consolidated to the possession of Mr Donald Trump. As a result of this, Donald Trump eventually made it on the Forbes list of the 400 most richest people in America. Consequently, as a feature on this Forbes list, investors, banks and creditors put more trust in Donald Trump and his riches and from there he was able to eventually accumulate his own wealth and look where he is today…

Now that’s Charisma! – Mind over Matter! – Sauce!

Don’t Get Lost in the Sauce

Now back to Gucci Mane. He went on to say, “If you ain’t got no Sauce then you’re lost…But you can also get lost in the Sauce!”

It’s true, If you don’t have money and you want money, you have to go and make the money and you must know how to make the money. The same goes for making friends and getting respected in your social life, in the workplace, and in your household. Without something as free as charisma, then you really cannot be helped. You will constantly feel inferior around people who grab the attention, you may even be reduced to that person whom the ladies feel pity for – and trust me you do not want that.

Body language, posture, tone and the aura that comes out of your presence are all important elements of the Sauce. the most charismatic people are said to be dripping of Sauce! These people, when they enter the room, their presence does the work for them. You feel like it is important for you to have a conversation with them. everything they say sounds right and fitting for whatever moment or situation they’re in.

A Charismatic person seems like they were born to lead. An army of Lions led by a sheep is inferior to an Army of sheep led by a Lion! …A charismatic person makes all his friends and people in his group feel and appear to also be confident and authoritative. That is why people are attracted to this person like nails to a Magnet!

However, it is possible to overdose on Sauce. Beware because you can get lost in the Sauce. You can get lost in the Sauce by becoming too arrogant and bossy. You may even fall victim to people that are known as “Meat”. The Meat are the people who give you a false confidence with the aim of hopefully getting you to get lost in the feeling of power, of being wanted, being loved – so much so that you may start to feel the need to keep up with the hype, you might overspend on any given occasion, or even pick a fight with someone or something (drugs) that you cannot handle.

But also beware of getting lost in the Sauce in the sense of you beginning to become complacent, thinking that you have done enough. When one goes on a journey to discover one’s self, getting to know and apply some Sauce, you may lose authenticity, becoming unnatural and fake – and trust me, people will be quick to spot this and getting caught in a lie about your identity is much worse than being lame and boring.

How does one Acquire the Sauce?

when asked whether one can be born with the Sauce, Gucci Mane replied “Nooo you can’t be born with Sauce…How are you gonna get born with Seasoning? I had to acquire the Sauce”

And that gives hope to each of us. We can acquire the Sauce. It is a Seasoning, that gets rubbed onto you by the things that you have seen, the obstacles that you have conquered and the times when you fell, or slipped and had to get up with dirt on your hands and on your reputation…that is the Sauce, that is what makes your life taste good! That is the stuff that I want to learn from you, these are the regrets that I choose to turn into a backrest…Pick myself up, and give life a little taste of the lemonade that I have made with the Lemons that she gave me.

  Author’s Note

Thank you for reading up till this far. I really love this topic because I get to show a little bit of how I see the world in our current age. Remember that the television and Internet are the new playgrounds for today’s youth – which is tomorrow’s Parents and leaders. I’d love this Blog to offer this element to anyone interested in an inside-scoop to the Millennial mindset, PLEASE share any views in the comment section.

blogging, inspiration

Why choose a career in Blogging?

This is my first post as the proud owner of a Premium WordPress account and I’m very excited for the journey ahead. Trust me I am under no illusion that this will be an easy journey, but making a success story out of this will be a victory not only for me, but for anybody who chooses to take their future into their own hands and create something to be proud of and hopefully survive out of.

As it stands, I already live my life walking on the thin line between Bravery and Stupidity. It may be called stupidity because I am currently still a Law student, all I have to do is stick to it and complete my studies, get my degree, and let Life lead me into a respectable profession that would probably guarantee me a stable living, as well as bring much honour to my family simply for having a lawyer for a son.

But I choose to call it Bravery. I’m still just pushing through the learning phases to becoming that honourable lawyer, but what value does honour and respect have when I go through the entire year suffering from depression caused by the sucking out of my life and replacing it with a promise of stability?

My housemate, who later became a close friend laughed at me once during a conversation with the gents. He referred to the fact that coming to this point in my studies, I have studied Politics and Law, both which tried to teach me how to survive in the system. he laughed at the fact that instead of adhering to the structure that was being laid for me, I was instead focused on trying to Beat the system.

He was right. I am trying to beat the system. I was born in a black South African family two years after the end of Apartheid. My mother was one of eight children and she studied and became a nurse. I’d say she did well enough that by the time my older sister and I left High School, she was able to put us both into University. My sister now studies Medicine and I study Law.

You would think that this is a beautiful success story in itself, but you have to ask yourself why I chose to study Law in the first place, or even better, ask yourself why I chose to continue my studies further by going to University.

Well, long-story-short, A black child in Africa is not really given a choice. Very few people like me have the option to leave school and go join Daddy in the family business. Coming out of school and not going to University is automatically seen as a failure. I’m not trying to blame anybody here, that’s just how the system works.

But we live in the 21st century here – the age of the Internet – and while most people turn to the internet for entertainment, for news gossip, NetFlix and cute kittens on YouTube, there is another world of people who have made the internet into their very own Work Space. The world is growing faster through technology, you can either complain about it, or turn to face the music…my friend added another option, “..or you can dance to it”.

And that’s exactly what I’m trying to do by pursing a Career in Blogging…I’m trying to dance to the music. I love writing, it’s still a raw talent, but this is my platform and opportunity to harness and develop it and myself. If you find yourself being carried by the wind of Life, floating in unhappiness and dissatisfaction, I suggest you commit a situational suicide.    Don’t hear me wrong, I’m not saying kill yourself, but I am offering you the opportunity to kill whatever situation is causing you dissatisfaction or depression.

There is a belief going around that Millennials are lazy and entitled. They say we have no patience and they practically label us as unfit for the Workplace. Well, I think they may be right. We are not fit for the Workplace because we grew up in the technological era. We adopted our personalities from movie characters and television, when one thing began to bore us, we would simply change the channel and find what was right – we lost the attention span as a result. But for everything that we are NOT in the workplace or in the current society, there is something that we are in the online world.

The old systems are failing us, so it’s time to make a change. I don’t want to watch my time fly away because I was too busy trying to please somebody who was already comfortable in his own system that was tailor made for him. Let’s become entrepreneurs, let’s become creators, let’s build our own system that our grandchildren will try to escape out of.

PLEASE feel free to use the comment section, and if you come across any Advertisement on my site, Please click into it because it’s how I make Money. Thank you.

dreams, inspiration, life choices, truth

Follow your dreams

Follow your dreams. You might not take life seriously but life takes itself seriously and she will continue with or without you.

Your words are your dreams. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Countless thoughts rage through my head daily, so impolite they are as the next one doesn’t wait on the last one to end…they pile up – one on top of the other.

At every conversation I partake in a practice of letting them loose, I have to watch my tongue and be careful whom I might insult and keep watch, safeguarding what I promise – I need to practice what I preach.

I’m singing a song about the day and it’s troubles, where are the victories? I’ve left them hidden and chained – at this rate depression is inevitable.

My words are my dreams and we had a conversation the other day, you asked who I wanted to be and what I wish to achieve. I spilled it in fine detail like a work of art because that’s my favourite kind of talk – rambles from fantasies that have no consequences.

Oh but how I was wrong. The Price to pay for every spoken word is the result. If only I had known that the difference between reality and dreams lies hidden in the power of the Will – the action that leads to innovation.

Talk is cheap, the death of the mindless. Wise words bring life, healing and comfort. Wisdom is my insurance, assurance of good judgement – that’s what I seek.

Speak of the devil, the bastard shall appear, in time to devour. Don’t say I didn’t warn you – your words are your dreams.

blogging, inspiration, life choices, money, poetry, reason, secrets

Stop Writing.

I need to stop writing because I might just be good at it. Okay maybe that’s too extreme, maybe I can just stop publishing my blog posts – they might be better off as drafts.

Yes maybe drafts are better, I can pile up all my thoughts and they will never be seen and I would never revisit them just in case I get tempted to post them and let the whole world see.

I’m surely no Shakespeare, my English is far too simple – but oh how convenient, people cannot handle complicated, they don’t even understand my previous post.

Oh snap I need to stop writing. I might just be good at it and I’ll get what I wish for; write some books and get rich and famous – then my biggest fears will come true and I’ll end up like my beloved Avicii.

Many times I never stopped to think what the consequences of success could be. Everyone who’s holding my secrets might just come and spill the beans just to get their name on the community mop and wipe away all my innocence and privacy – I don’t want to be rich and famous.

So maybe I should stop writing or maybe I can just stop making sense, I can never try being boring so I’ll start now with the mathematics that birds don’t dwell on and neither did I when I passed through the tunnel and became man and then boy and then faded into thinking – yes surely I’ve lost them and they’ll never read me again…I can continue writing never to be famous today.

African, heartbeat, inspiration, life choices

Catch your heartbeat

I’m trying to write something to catch your heartbeat but you prefer crude lines on a trap beat.

What could I say to remind you of the time when you used to believe in love? Which cords in your heart do I need to tap into to get you feeling again?

Can I be honest? It hurts me that you’re a savage and you’re so good at it. You used to believe in fairytales and maybe that’s where it went wrong…when you grew older and realised that you weren’t the only girl who wore a size five, then Prince Charming stopped looking and went to the Club instead.

I wish there wasn’t such great distance between us – you’ll tell me you’re next door but that’s nothing compared to where you really see yourself – lost in a metropolis, missing the turn, caught in the crowd but you’re afraid to cry for help because tears ruin your make up.

Oh sister you lost your spirit when you stopped trusting in God don’t lose your soul too…that’s all we ever had in Africa – For every dollar that we didn’t have we had one another and another had the one.

Look at your history, dreamers and believers who lost theirs so that you can have yours. Your parents were there when the gates opened for us and they built their house for you, paid their taxes so that you no longer walk the gravel and it pains me to see you forgetting, or maybe just not caring while allowing the good times to get the better of you.

Wait, what good times? It’s just sad times – so much blood shed so that you can own your body then you went and sold it for a bottle of Henny. Victoria’s Secrets to reveal your prized assets, they’re calling you dumb and you’re nodding

But I’m trying to catch your heartbeat because Oh woman – you with such connection to the mystical – your body chosen to carry life from the Heavens to the Earth, your children are crying out. Your sons need to respect you…you need to take up your Queen status and sit up your Throne.

christian, christian, faith, reason, God


“There’s such a fine line between the things you want and the thing that you get.”

Why are you so worried? Don’t you realise that the world and it’s fibers are just as loose as your problems?

Imagine an ant on a full piece of paper. The paper being a two-dimensional shape. The ant is born on the left end of the page and it begins to walk horizontally across the Length of the paper which will take him thirty seconds to cross completely.

After walking for five seconds, the ant has gained five seconds worth of knowledge about its world…let us imagine those five seconds amount to five years in an ant’s life.

It then takes the ant another ten seconds to reach the half way point of the paper and that ant has then acquired half of the knowledge it will ever know about the world. Let us then assume that you have your finger at the other end of the page and upon the ant reaching this point you plan on squashing him to his death…which would then mean that this ant will live thirty years of his life.

The ant finally completes the long walk across the page, proud that he lived his life wisely and did not wander off this path. He never had to work a day in his life and didn’t have to experience any heartbreaks or failures…he is now ready to die in peace at the mature age of thirty.

When the ant arrives at the end of his life, you suddenly become an animal Rights activist and “Ants’ lives matter too”. You then decide not to end the ant’s life and you then fold the paper into a three-dimensional cylinder shape. Your manipulation of the ant’s world suddenly brings him to a dilemma because when he then walks further on the paper with no ends – he finds himself once again on the left side of the paper, where his life began.

The ant is now totally baffled and now the clean life he lived is at risk of ruin due to the temptations of the smell of sugar from the ice-cream that your younger brother has now walked into the room with…

Where am I getting to with this? Well God is the creator of this world. He exists outside of time and has placed us in a three-dimensional world and everything we understand about life can only be measured by three-dimensional standards

This is where the concept of “Faith in the Creator” comes to play. Having faith that God can take control of your destiny can get you supernaturally, or foolishly (by the standards of scientists) on the better side of life…all missed opportunities can suddenly come back to you…it’s all through his grace.

So are you still worried? Ask the birds why they don’t have a storage for tomorrow…

inspiration, life choices, reason, south africa


“Life is a Journey to be experienced, not a Problem to be solved”… Sounds easy and quite delightful, but a good Journeyman should remember that it helps to have a destination. Still if you don’t – I’m pretty sure nobody wants to end in a deadend with nothing to show for the Journey.

Popular Pop-Star Katy Perry admitted it once in a song, “I stood for nothing so I fell for everything”. In this Journey called Life there’s sometimes roads that go high and low, you can also expect wet and slippery terrains when it rains – what I’m trying to say is just Prepare to go slow in the snow… expect it all because which ever route you choose, you are the one who will clean the mud from under the boots.

Everybody has a dream. A dream to travel around the world, a dream to travel out of the world and according to cartoons, some even have the dream to destroy the world.

It doesn’t matter what the dream is, if you really want to make it happen then you are going to need to take control of your Journey. Too many of us allow life and circumstance to dictate where we end up…and all we have to show for it are reasons pronounced mostly in a drunken state at family gatherings about why our dreams were never born – it’s mostly because living young, wild and free wasn’t so free no more once that diaper isle became your reality.

It’s not that surprising though. In this capitalistic world-wide jungle run by politics… where politicians play role model and empty promises are job descriptions- I actually found (in my imagination) that the word “reason” no longer exists on this earth. Instead, an identity thief has been running around in reason’s body tormenting hopes and simply holding us back from our potential…his true name is Excuses.

Excuses are a result of a lack of faith and hard work. A life lived without direction is bound to spiral out of control. It’s bound to be a life of explanations and Excuses.

But still in my pursuit to give my life some direction – I spend countless hours thinking up ways to better my situation. Thinking to myself “Maybe I should find a magazine to publish my writing” (Am I even good enough?)…But that period in faith doesn’t last forever and if delayed, it quickly turns into fear and that is where the battle for Dreams gets lost.

So then I find myself in a dilemma. Wisdom or Foolishness? Whether or not I choose a life of direction, I still find myself in a constant tangle. I’m wondering if I should take it easy, put on my sandals and avoid getting tied up in some sweaty running shoes…

Maybe that’s where I went wrong, I’m trying too hard to understand my choices, when maybe I should just believe in my decisions and not fear failure so much.

Friendship, inspiration, south africa, Uncategorized

2018: Green Light

“There is no such thing as Failure – Only Lessons”.

The hairs on my head cannot count the times I have tried to remind myself of this concept, it’s almost become the Jam to my Peanut-Butter.

For the first time in this life I have come out short. From a year where I did very little in the efforts of planting my seeds – The fruits I harvest are bitter. I guess that’s what I deserve because way too often I found myself content with my tasteless produce, satisfied with Average scores that put me just over the line.

It’s not that Law is a particularly difficult degree for me. I just cannot stand to sit – sit for hours on hours studying (such a bore)! Well of course it’s a bore, this is all rather new to me. I breezed through High School without openning many books, and hurdled all other obstacles since then and to this point I have never seen a book from beginning to end without missing most of the middles. I really never needed to invest that much time.

Poor time management, a lack of faith in my work and 3 months later I’m here in 2018 aiming for Change. What have I changed? Well – I’ve moved out of my previous residence and I’m trying to outgrow my Comfort-Zone. What’s new?– Coffee to keep me awake in class (lol), More reading to keep me up-to-date with my lectures – Library lady get ready!! This year I’ll throw a party at the funeral…the day I bury Procrastination.

I pray for more Wisdom oh Lord. Yesteryear I achieved so much. The Gracious Salvation, and Baptism, as I left behind the powers of Sin. The Holy Bible has become my favourite written Word. Lord you’ve even made me a leader amongst your people…all this and it’s just a pity that my mother is forced to look at the negatives because all this seems to have come at the expense of my studies. Mama’s Working her wallet for my studies, I’m beginning to feel like a walking drill but I’m this low and it’s by time I find some diamonds because I know I cannot afford to be here too long…

But Faith remains the Substance of all things hoped for…This year I’m taking control of my life and remembering that a wise Father cannot Give his prized Possessions to an immature Son. So let me help myself to grow to learn how to manage my time, to prioritise and surely success will fill my eyes.
